Monday, July 25, 2011

She Had 3 Hearts Art Journaling Workshop {Christy Tomlinson}


I am SOOOO excited to start the She Had 3 Hearts Art Journaling workshop today! Of course, I have to get through my workday first, and then head to Taylor's first swimming lessons, and then sometime mid-evening, I'll be able to take a peak at all the goodness and then I'll really delve into the videos after Taylor's in bed and I have some uninterrupted time to watch the videos.

I've been working on a few canvases in various stages since my last post. Thank you all SO much for your kind comments. :) I've also been trying to nurse my hand back to health. An arthritis flare last weekend and into Monday, resulted in numbness in my right thumb. As of Tuesday, doc had diagnosed it as tendinitis and put me on oral steroids. Finally, tonight, I've gotten some relief from the pins and needles sensation. Makes it difficult to complete most daily tasks and it has certainly impacted my art making this week. I guess that's what I get for trying to catch up on housework and organizing! ;)

Anyway, now that I seem to be on the mend, I'm definitely looking forward to playing in my journal and absorbing all the creative juice that Christy has to offer. If you'd like to join the workshop, there's still time! Just head on over to her blog and read this post and register. After my experience in her She Art Workshop, I can tell you, Christy does not disappoint!

I'm still working on my collection for The Summer of Color, as well, but I haven't finished my red or brown piece. I'll get back in the groove and post and then link back up with this week's color of Purple! And of course, you can always join in on The Summer of Color, still, too!

Friday, July 8, 2011

She Art - My FIRST finished She Art Girl!

A couple of months ago I registered for Christy's online She Art Workshop. I discovered Christy and her workshop through Donna Downey. You all know about my love affair with Donna. Well, while I'm still loving Donna, I have a new crush on Christy. She is SO inspiring. Through her amazing workshop, I've learned about all kinds of art products and a ton of new techniques. She has really sparked my new passion for ART. Real ART, not crafts and sewing, but actual ART. So, although I wouldn't say I was intimidated to create a piece inspired by Christy, I just haven't had a clear idea of what I wanted my first girl to look like. After watching the first video several weeks ago, I created one that was of a little girl, and Taylor quickly declared she wanted the faceless girl with no hair to be her, so I added hair and a few details, but the canvas still sits on my shelf, unfinished, several weeks later.

Well, I was suddenly hit with a desire to create and complete my first She Art canvas. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out. In fact, that's an understatement. I realize I should probably be a little (or a lot!) more modest, but I think this may very well be the most beautiful thing I've ever created (with the exception of Taylor, of course! ;) ). Goodness, if this is the first post you're reading on my blog, please know that I'm not usually this arrogant!!!

Seriously, THIS is why I create. The amazing high I get once I've completed a piece and once I've discovered a new technique and put it into action, and it all comes together; there are few things that measure up to this incredible feeling. If you are an artist or have a passion for anything creative you know exactly what I'm talking about. (So I know you'll forgive my lack of modesty, right? ;) )

Also, notice the writing in the bottom right corner? Yup. That's my signature. I don't think I've ever signed anything I've created before. Once this piece was finished, I felt compelled to sign it. I officially feel like an artist. :)

Thanks for looking ;)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Summer of Color Week 4 {Yellow}

When I think of yellow, I think of sunshine! In keeping with the inspirational theme of the whimsical canvas collection I'm making for Taylor, I created a canvas for this week's Summer of Color challenge that is all about scattering sunshine!

I painted a 5x7 canvas panel with various shades of yellow acrylic paints. I then used a stamp wheel and created the black stamped images. Next, I cut the shape of a sun with triangular rays out of yellow paper with white polka-dots. I wanted the paper to be brighter, so I painted it a brighter yellow. I glued the sun down to the panel using Mod Podge. I then painted a small piece of rubber shelf liner with black paint and blotted it randomly on the edges of the panel. Next, I glued down the sentiment using more Mod Podge. Finally, I added gold glitter to the sun and some doodling and outlining.

This is one of my favorite pieces in this collection, so far! And I just have to share this part...Taylor is very, very supportive of all my creations. She's a little artist herself and she's always excited to see what I'm working on and gasps and says "Oh, Mom, that is SOOOOO beautiful!" when I show her my finished work. Well, when I showed her this piece, she had a totally different reaction. (Keep in mind, she's 5 yrs old). She looked at it. Paused. And then BURST out laughing. She laughed and laughed and LAUGHED. Then she said "I'm sorry Mom, but that is SO funny!!!" When I asked why she thought it was so funny, she said (still laughing) "Because the words are in the SKY!" and she continued laughing...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

We're off to a party with friends, but I wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Junk Journal {Art Journal} Cover

I was inspired by my friend Jen to make a junk journal. I recently bought a Bind-it-All and I am absolutely IN LOVE with it. How did I ever survive before without one of these? ;) So, my junk journal is a handmade art journal that I created using all sorts of odds and ends. There are sheets of standard papers like watercolor paper, white cardstock, lined notebook paper, copy paper, and graph paper. I also included shipping tags, manilla envelopes, greeting cards, scraps of patterned papers and other odds and ends.

Once I had my journal put together and bound with my Bind-it-All, I needed to decorate the cover. Prior to binding it, I had gesso'd the cover and adhered a text patterned paper to the front using dry adhesive tape. I then covered over the paper using watercolor crayons and added water. I ended up hating what I created so I tore the paper off the cover, which resulted in a peeled paper look, adding cool texture. Oh happy mistakes! I then painted the cover with cream paint and randomly dropped alcohol ink. I used latte, ginger, butterscotch and caramel alcohol inks by Ranger.

I then stamped various images using black archival ink. The title was created by painted various chipboard letters black and then inking them with brown chalk ink. Finally, I punched butterflies out of sheet music, and added the 7 Gypsies vintage ephemera. I stamped the word "discover" on masking tape, then inked the tape with distress inks and taped it to the cover. I then added the lacy trim and flower for a feminine touch.

I'm SO happy with this finished product. This journal is going to be a place for me to play freely and learn new art techniques. I can't wait to fill it with artsy goodness! Oh, and when Taylor saw it, she asked me to make one for her, too. I'm so excited to start art journaling with her. Do you do art journaling? What kind of a journal do you use? Where do you find inspiration for your journaling.