Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tornado Taylor

Ever since she learned how to reach, then crawl, we've been calling her Tornado Taylor. It doesn't take long for a fairly tidy, organized space to look like a tornado blew through it after Taylor's spent some time in it. So, this is a sampling of what our house looks like on any given day...

She loves to stash things in cabinets, baskets, boxes and purses.

Her bedroom, which is supposed to have very few toys in it, to reduce the amount of cleaning/allergen reduction I have to do...

Every kitchen floor needs an abandoned naked baby lying on it.

And I'm not quite sure what this is....

Her little studio table...always a disaster...I'm too embarrassed to take pics of all the paper scraps on the floor...

The thing, is...I have no idea where she gets this from...

because I'm always so neat and organized and I set a perfect example by always picking up after myself.

She must get it from Daddy, don't ya think?


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