Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dabbling in mixed media art

I've been inspired by mixed media and collage, lately. On Saturday night while on a rare date with my husband, I browsed through some issues of Somerset magazines at Borders. I was inspired to create this piece using a large canvas I picked up at a thrift store awhile ago for $5. It's a work in progress but Taylor and I had some fun playing with paint, paper and glue as entered the world of mixed media on Sunday morning...

See that crayon on the paper towel? Taylor started off wanting to just sit with me and color while I painted it. Well, her crayon started to melt in the scorching desert heat. When I dipped my finger in the melted wax, I thought, hmmm...melted wax, kind of like finger paint...

I created the deep blue heart by rubbing my wax dipped finger on the canvas...

I'm likin' this.

It's been awhile since I've be artsy and not just crafty.

Do you dabble in mixed media? Where do you find your inspiration?

1 comment:

  1. How Cool! Your colors are so bold and exciting - I can't wait to see the final results! I started getting into mixed media through the Somerset mags too - there so much to inspire.
    If you want to check out a weekly challenge site, check out www.mixedmediamonday.wordpress.com.
    See you soon,
    Kristin xo


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