Saturday, June 26, 2010

Introducing {Featured Follower Friday}!

We all love followers, don't we? I get sooo excited when I see that I have a new follower. So, I've decided to start {Featured Follower Friday}. Here's the deal, every Friday I will feature one of my followers by linking to their blog and highlighting some of my favorite posts of theirs. Pretty simple and fun. Here are the rules:

You MUST be a follower of my blog for me to feature you as part of my {Featured Follower Friday}.

If for some reason you want to follow my blog but you do NOT want to be a Featured Follower, simply contact me by e-mail and let me know and I will not include you.

You must have a blog to be featured and your blog must be public, not private. Private blogs require that you invite readers and are only viewable by the people you invite to read your blog. You would know if you have set your blog to private.

Your blog does not have to be a craft blog in order to be featured as part of {Featured Follower Friday}. I love blogs of all kinds and followers of all kinds! :)

So, sign up to follow my blog so you can be featured! Then be sure to check in every Friday to see if you're the Featured Follower!

1 comment:

I love comments from my readers! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!