Saturday, August 15, 2009

More pics -- as promised...

I finally got the little monkey to agree to a mini photo shoot in her newest T-shirt dress. So, as promised, here are the pics. Most of the other pics I took are not so great. I swear getting this girl to stand still or actually look at the camera is one of my greatest challenges! She's always on the go and while I love candid shots in motion, I usually snap a shot of her heel as she runs away...not exactly the candid shot I'm going for...

This is the back of the dress. I don't think these loops do the pattern justice because I just snipped some fabric and sewed it together, I didn't follow the measurements, for this one!


  1. Beautiful pictures of your baby and her new dress! I am reading along (and learning from you) faithfully . . . I updated mine this weekend and have my first posts! Check it out if you get the chance. Thank you, Kristin :)

  2. She is SOOO cute!! Love the pigtails. The dress looks so cute too! What do you mean you didn't follow directions?!? ;)


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