Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Get Well Gift for Myself!

I've been sick all week with a nasty cold. Headache, body aches, nasal congestion, coughing, and hoarseness that seemed like it would never end. Given I'm a hospice social worker, I couldn't exactly see patients as sick as I was. So I was out sick for half the week. Hence the fact I was able to do so much crafting! (I'm still playing catch up in posting all my projects!). As sick as I've been, I'm not one to lay in bed all day, so crafting kept me quiet and didn't take much energy. My dear friend, Jen, made me a rice therapy bag for Christmas. It has been well used. I seemed to have misplaced it though and I finally decided I just needed to make my own, so Friday morning, I sat my achy sick body down at my sewing machine and made the rice bag shown above. Then I popped it in the microwave for 2 minutes and headed to bed for a nap! Later, I made the pocket tissue pack holder using this tutorial.

I think it would be a great little gift pack to package a rice bag, pocket tissue holder, a mug, tea bags and cough drops into a gift bag and give to a friend who's feeling under the weather. You could also add a cozy blanket and a can of Chicken Soup, or even some dry soup mix made from scratch...what a nice little comfort pack!

Oh, and these little things were definitely comforting to me, I finally feel human again!

What makes you feel better when you're feeling under the weather?

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