Thursday, December 24, 2009

T'was the day before Christmas...

and all through the house, there was total chaos!

I had the best intentions. I really did. But, alas, it's the day before Christmas and I'm wondering where the month of December has gone???

Today, on my to-do list:

- baking
- cleaning
- making appetizers for tonight's "dinner"
- wrapping presents (um, that's right...I haven't wrapped a single Christmas present!!!)
- finishing making my father-in-laws Christmas present. Honestly, I think he may be getting it after Christmas :(

In the midst of all of we are going to take a second look at the house that we'll be moving into in the next few weeks! We found out yesterday that the owner accepted us as tenants and we're super excited!

So, Merry Christmas to all of you! What's on your to do list? Are you ready or still running around taking care of things?


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