Monday, December 14, 2009

Super Simple Last Minute Gift Idea!

Sorry my posts have been scarce lately...this is my first handmade Christmas and I must admit, I've been a very poor planner :(

I will be starting next year's Christmas gifts in January...whenever I see a cute idea on a blog and think "Wow, that would be a great gift for so and so..." I will stop what I'm doing and make the gift right then and there! When the gift is finished, it will be stored in a big plastic bin along with all of my other handmade gifts, and then, come December, I will be able to enjoy the holidays, sit on the couch with my girl, snuggle with my hubby, enjoy freshly baked cookies and hot cocoa and relax...

Yes, that's what I will do...but right now, I'm recovering from an achy neck and shoulder, trying to pack to move to an undetermined house, and trying to enjoy the sense of accomplishment of finishing one batch of Christmas gifts for my family in Canada while also trying to find the energy to get to work on the gifts for friends and family here in California...

So, as I sat here browsing the blogs of other crafty women, I came across this super cool, super simple calendar idea and it will be one of my first projects in January! So, if you're a poor planner like me and you're still trying to find simple gifts to make...check this out!


  1. I wish you had a followers list, because I would follow you for sure! You have great taste! :)
    Teasing...but seriously thanks for linking to me, that was super nice! Make sure you leave me a comment to a link for your finished calendar-I want to see it come January! :)

  2. Tiffany! Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely leave you a link! I do have a followers list! check the left side bar :)


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