Monday, December 28, 2009

Packin' it up and takin' a break...

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays! We enjoyed a quiet but good Christmas.

As I mentioned in my last post we FINALLY know where we're moving to!!! And, we'll be moving in 11 days!!! Ahhhh! I'm excited, stressed, panicked, energized and tired all at the same time!

Since my husband and I got married 10 yrs ago, we've moved 5 times!!! And, we lived in our second home for almost 4 years. We've moved a lot in the last few years. While I hate the prospect of packing up our stuff and actually moving, I'm refreshed by the idea of purging things we no longer use and excited to plan out how we will use our new space.

Amidst all of this, I'm saddened to pack up all my craft supplies, fabric and sewing machine. With only 11 days to pack and purge (and 7 of those will be spent working), I don't think they'll be much time left for crafting :( .

So, I'll be taking a blogging break but I'll be back once we're in our new home! I already have lots of crafty ideas to spruce up our new space!

In the meantime, if any of you have any great ideas for cramming a whole lot o' craft supplies into a small craft room, please, do share! I think the main craft nook is going to be the guest room closet (and it's not a walk in, but it has bi-fold doors).

So, here's wishing you all a happy new year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

T'was the day before Christmas...

and all through the house, there was total chaos!

I had the best intentions. I really did. But, alas, it's the day before Christmas and I'm wondering where the month of December has gone???

Today, on my to-do list:

- baking
- cleaning
- making appetizers for tonight's "dinner"
- wrapping presents (um, that's right...I haven't wrapped a single Christmas present!!!)
- finishing making my father-in-laws Christmas present. Honestly, I think he may be getting it after Christmas :(

In the midst of all of we are going to take a second look at the house that we'll be moving into in the next few weeks! We found out yesterday that the owner accepted us as tenants and we're super excited!

So, Merry Christmas to all of you! What's on your to do list? Are you ready or still running around taking care of things?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Super Simple Last Minute Gift Idea!

Sorry my posts have been scarce lately...this is my first handmade Christmas and I must admit, I've been a very poor planner :(

I will be starting next year's Christmas gifts in January...whenever I see a cute idea on a blog and think "Wow, that would be a great gift for so and so..." I will stop what I'm doing and make the gift right then and there! When the gift is finished, it will be stored in a big plastic bin along with all of my other handmade gifts, and then, come December, I will be able to enjoy the holidays, sit on the couch with my girl, snuggle with my hubby, enjoy freshly baked cookies and hot cocoa and relax...

Yes, that's what I will do...but right now, I'm recovering from an achy neck and shoulder, trying to pack to move to an undetermined house, and trying to enjoy the sense of accomplishment of finishing one batch of Christmas gifts for my family in Canada while also trying to find the energy to get to work on the gifts for friends and family here in California...

So, as I sat here browsing the blogs of other crafty women, I came across this super cool, super simple calendar idea and it will be one of my first projects in January! So, if you're a poor planner like me and you're still trying to find simple gifts to make...check this out!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Favorite Holiday Pics

These are some of my favorite photos from Christmas of 2007.

Just wanted to share them with you!

This is Baby Stella, who has become Taylor's beloved "Sally" she has truly adopted this baby and talks about her all the time! She cuddles her, feeds her, dresses her, changes her diaper, and puts her to sleep. She's such a good little mommy!

I hope you're enjoying your this holiday season!

Our valley was hit with a lot of rain on Monday and I woke up on Tuesday morning to snow covered mountains. I'm itching to drive up the mountains this weekend and build a snowman! Taylor just keeps saying "I don't know how to build a snowman". Poor California girl!

I was born and raised in a snow belt in Canada and have made many a snowman in my life.

Have no fear little one, Mommy will show you how it's done!