Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Altered Hat Box

I've been searching thrift stores and craft stores for a box like this. OK, I admit not a box that looks like this, but a box of this size and shape is what I've been looking for. At first I was thinking a large cookie tin or canister would have worked for what I had in mind. But I'm not a big fan of metal storage. I don't know, I'm just irritated by the sound of clanging metal, and if the lid gets bent on a cookie tin it never seems to fit the same way again. So, when I stumbled across this box at a thrift store for only $1 I knew I had found the perfect box! The perfect box to turn into this...

It's going to hold all my cupcake decorating supplies! The paper is part of the adorable "Nana's Kitchen" stack from DCWV and, of course, I got it on sale at Jo Ann's for $9.99 (several months ago when the new line was launched).

Once I had adhered the paper to the box using spray adhesive --- I'm loving spray adhesive, right now! I used it for the first time last week on another project, and...yeah...Looooove IT! ---- anyhoo, once I adhered the paper, I thought the lid needed a little something...Hubby was out at the dollar store grabbing some other things, so I asked him to pick up some wooden spoons. When he brought them home, they were typical wooden spoons so, of course, I had to spice them up! I painted them turquoise, of course! and did a light dry brush of white acrylic paint over top, added the ribbons, and some cupcakes cut out of the patterned paper and hot glued them to the lid.

Then I filled it with my supplies and there's still room for more!

Once I filled it, I realized I hadn't covered the inside where the original green is, but ah well...

Isn't that paper just adorable!?!?!

I'm wondering if there's a product I can use to coat the outside to make it water-resistant and wipe-able so I can wipe off any spills or messes it might endure while I'm baking. I'm definitely a very messy baker! So, anyone have any suggestions? I'm not sure if mod podge would work?


  1. adorable! love the spoon lid!

  2. Yours is the first blog that I have actually ever read before. Thank you for the suggestion and BTW, I LOVE it!!! I think I am in trouble . . . LOVE the "I'm not one of those Moms" post -- I am on the same page -- Great to know that I'm not alone! And I love the hat box -- I am doing a baby shower in 2 weeks with a tea party theme and I just bought the SAME paper for the guest book (well, actually I will be having individual chip board "tea cups" covered -- with spray glue of course! -- with that paper at each place setting. Guests will write their well wishes on the opposite side (covered with plain cardstock) and I will then join all the cups with a ring and ribbons for a complete book. ANYWAY, so GLAD to have really met you and look forward to more! Yours, Kristin (Kendra's Mom :)

  3. Kristin! I'm so glad you "stopped by"! Thanks for clarifying your "Kendra's mom" because I didn't recognize your name!! So glad I've introduced you to the world of bloggin! Check out the links on my side bar to discover more wonderful crafty inspiration...

    The baby shower sounds like soooo much fun! Great ideas!


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