Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hooded Bath Towel

I came across these oh-so-adorable and 0h-so-girly towels at HomeGoods the other day (you know how much I love that store!). As soon as I saw them, I knew they were the perfect towels to use for the hooded towel I've been wanting to make for Taylor. She's got a serious infatuation with all things polka-dot right now. So I scooped 'em up, brought 'em home, followed this tutorial, and Taylor had a handmade hooded towel in no time! It was such a quick and easy project!

Tip: I highly recommend you use a walking foot aka even feed foot, if you choose to use plush, thick towels for this project. At one point I was sewing through 5 layers of the towel and it would have been quite a challenge (if not impossible) to sew through that thickness of fabric without a walking foot.

The best part of finishing this project is no more tears and shivers when my girl gets out of the tub! She's bundled all nice and cozy and loves her new "jacket".

Another Tip: This would be a great gift for a summer birthday. Wrap it in a beach bag with some beach toys and you've got a simple, inexpensive and FUN gift!


  1. I've made so many of these - it's a great tutorial. I love the towels you chose.

  2. Thanks, Laurel. It was such an easy project! I'm going to make another one for my niece.

  3. very cute!! anthony would LOVE one of these...might have to make him one for Christmas!

  4. Really cute! A hooded towel tutorial was one of the first things I bookmarked when I started sewing, but somehow I've never gotten around to it.


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