Monday, June 22, 2009

More Fabric Love

This fabric is from a local quilting store. I'm in love with their selection of designer fabrics and gorgeous patterns. But, with an abundance of JoAnn's coupons, and limited funds, I really can't justify paying full price for the designer fabric's they offer. BUT...I went in the other day just to torture myself...I mean to browse the fabric selection and I came across a clearance bin..and I couldn't resist this bundle of 10 - 1/2 yards of fabrics. The prints are just adorable and the color combos are right up my alley!! These fabrics are perfect for some projects I plan to do for Taylor.

The fabric below is probably my favorite of the stash. Although, really, do I have to pick a favorite? I'm in love with them all!

Ya'll know how much I love flowers and butterflies. Geez...when I did I become so girly? I think my girly-girl brings out my own girly-ness.

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