Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Flannel Fabric Love

I'd been eyeing this floral flannel for awhile on my trips to JoAnn's. I just wasn't sure what I would make with it. Um...silly me!!! I live in flannel pajama pants in the winter! Once I made my lounge pants, it dawned on me that I just had to have a pair of lounge pants made with this floral flannel! The polkadot flannel is for the trim of the pants! Again, I refuse to pay full price for fabric, so I continued to admire the fabric as I walked the aisles at JoAnn's. Then, when the latest JoAnn's flyer came in the mail, I saw the flannel was on sale for $2.49/yd!!! That's 58% off the regular price! It was finally time for me to make the big purchase!!! So, the flannel now has a cozy home in my fabric stash until the weather cools and it will be lovingly sewn into a cozy pair of jammie pants for me!!! And yes, I got enough to make my girl a matching pair! :)

And, speaking of girls...I took advantage of the flannel sale and picked up this baby girl flannel. One of my very dear friends is pregnant with a baby girl and I plan to use this fabric to make some burp cloths and soft baby blocks, as a baby gift for her.


  1. Love the floral fabric in the first pic!!! Can't wait to see your creations!

  2. Love that!! If only I had a girl to make matching PJ's for.......sigh.

    Though I think my girlfriend and her daughter may like a pair for Christmas.

    I love the remnant bins, especially for holiday fabrics. They are just enough to make a craft with and I don't have a huge stash laying around.

    I am off to see what other great ideas I can find.



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