Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy National Scrapbooking Day!!!!

What better way to celebrate than with a FREE gift!!! Check out a FREE on-line issue of a Mini Albums Idea Book by Northbridge Media. I absolutely love their publications with my favorites being Scrapbook Trends and Simply Handmade. Simply Handmade also has a great blog that I've just added to my blog list on my sidebar.

Maybe the second best way to celebrate this day would be to actually scrapbook. We'll see if I'm that lucky. I have some other projects I need to get done for Taylor's birthday party which is NEXT SATURDAY!!!! No, I'm not panicking. I'm not. Really. Why would I be panicking? I just want the party to have all the handmade details and be a totally special day for her and I have it all planned out. I just need to actually bring the plans to life.

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