Sunday, May 3, 2009

Color Me Happy!

We had tons of fun painting with Taylor this afternoon. I have poster paint in primary colors and white. Today, we played with mixing colors. She loves doing hand prints and I had a special handprint project planned (stay tuned for that!) so we let her have fun with the paint and making hand prints in different colors.

I got these sponges at The Dollar Tree in the car wash section. They're pretty big and so I cut them up for painting and I plan to throw some in the bathtub for her to play with.

I've recently started using muffin tins as paint trays and it works out great. She tends to dump the individual cups and spills water and paint everywhere! She's not tempted to dump the paint when it's in the muffin tins (at least she hasn't dumped them, yet!) She created several masterpieces during our painting session and I'll post them later this week.

Boy, we sure can make a mess!!!

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