Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of First Grade

I picked Taylor up from her after school program today and took her for a celebratory "First Day of First Grade" ice cream cone. As she sat there telling me about every detail of her day, I hung on her every word. Suddenly, I looked at her and realized before I know it, she'll be telling me about her first day of high school.

Then, I took a deep breath and reminded myself to take one day at a time and cherish every moment.


  1. OMG! Make me cry right off the bat!
    I KNOW it's so crazy, right? Taylor is an awesome little person and I'm glad you are taking that special Mommy time - I think about what you said alll the time too ;) xoxo

  2. Kids grow up fast, so make the best of it .... like you said, hang on to each word.

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  4. Hi, my name is Meg and I nominated your blog for the Liebster blog award. Please pass it on by reading the rules on my post

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