Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Summer of Color Week 4 {Yellow}

When I think of yellow, I think of sunshine! In keeping with the inspirational theme of the whimsical canvas collection I'm making for Taylor, I created a canvas for this week's Summer of Color challenge that is all about scattering sunshine!

I painted a 5x7 canvas panel with various shades of yellow acrylic paints. I then used a stamp wheel and created the black stamped images. Next, I cut the shape of a sun with triangular rays out of yellow paper with white polka-dots. I wanted the paper to be brighter, so I painted it a brighter yellow. I glued the sun down to the panel using Mod Podge. I then painted a small piece of rubber shelf liner with black paint and blotted it randomly on the edges of the panel. Next, I glued down the sentiment using more Mod Podge. Finally, I added gold glitter to the sun and some doodling and outlining.

This is one of my favorite pieces in this collection, so far! And I just have to share this part...Taylor is very, very supportive of all my creations. She's a little artist herself and she's always excited to see what I'm working on and gasps and says "Oh, Mom, that is SOOOOO beautiful!" when I show her my finished work. Well, when I showed her this piece, she had a totally different reaction. (Keep in mind, she's 5 yrs old). She looked at it. Paused. And then BURST out laughing. She laughed and laughed and LAUGHED. Then she said "I'm sorry Mom, but that is SO funny!!!" When I asked why she thought it was so funny, she said (still laughing) "Because the words are in the SKY!" and she continued laughing...


  1. That is so cute! I love it when my kids say funny things, it makes my day.
    I love this piece, it is so happy and cheerful. The words in the background and the black shapes make a great contrast to the yellow.

  2. Lovely work and a lovely story.

  3. Lovely bright and cheery positive piece :)
    Love the story with your mini art critic...kids say the cutest things...and bringing laughter is a positive reaction, your canvas certainly brought a smile to my face :)
    Jan x

  4. Love your daughter's reaction - brilliant! This bright and cheery sun does make me want to smile (not burst out laughing but I guess that wasn't the intention anyway!).

    Great 'yellow' artwork.


  5. lovely sentiment and I love the energy and happiness that radiates from the canvas

  6. I love this it is so positive and happy.

  7. Very cute and a stunning sunny picture.

  8. Love your piece but love it even more after your daughter "critiqued"
    it. Out of the mouths of babes the most priceless things are said.

  9. gorgeous yellow piece for summer of color...love it!

  10. hi hi hi...kids are so cute with the perception of the reality and the imagination...I adore it and I can ear the laughing of your daughter...so sunny creation, you are right to prefer that one, it is fabulous!!!

  11. What a gorgeous piece! Thanks so much for sharing the process. The colours and quote are great!

  12. How perfect! I LOVE your story - so sweet, right? - and your canvas is just beautiful. It will be a wonderful addition to your gallery ;) xo

  13. All your pieces are FABULOUS, Love them! Great work!

  14. You never know what may come out of those cute little mouths.
    I also have those - what's going on with my daughters?- times.
    Even though the words are in the sky, (you should know better, mum), i am loving this canvas. Actually I am loving all of them so far.

  15. Yellow makes me think of sunshine too! This is so super cute...I love it & really enjoy reading your blog.


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