Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Summer of Color - Week 2 {Green}

I created this piece for week 2 of The Summer of Color. Remember, I'm creating a collection of canvases, each one representing a different color. There's another theme that is emerging, here and when the collection is complete, I'll reveal what the underlying theme of the collection is. It makes me giddy every time I envision the finished collection hanging in my studio. I'm so glad Kristin created this event, because I never would have thought to create this collection if she hadn't.

To create this piece, I painted a 5x7 canvas panel with layers of various shades of green (including citron - so I completed the bonus challenge). I then cut a trunk shape out of woodgrain patterned paper. Once I had the tree trunk glued down, I tore bits of green cardstock in various shades of green (including citron). I then glued them down to the canvas using Mod Podge to create the leaves on the tree. The flowers were created using stamps and paint. I then added yellow Stickles to the centers of the flowers and green Stickles to the stems and leaves of the tree. Finally, I finished off by shading a little bit with my Big Brush Pitt Pens and added some doodling and the words. I like the whimsical feel of this piece.

Finally, I want to tell you how appreciative I am of all the comments on my last Summer of Color piece. I'm thrilled to have so much positive feedback. There's an incredible group of artists participating in this event and I'm happy to be one of them. I'm off to link up and check out what everyone else has created this week! Remember, you can join the party anytime!


  1. Hi Friend! I'm so happy that you're playing along and that you have a collection in mind. If you hadn't told us it was for the studio, I would have thought that it was for Taylor's room - with such beautiful colors and positive affirmations. I know that this will be a treasured collection! xo

  2. I love the layering and the texture that you included. The different greens give it a great depth. I would love to have a collection of work for my studio. I will have to give this some more thought for the future. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. This is lovely..what a happy thought to look at at remind yourself sa h day

  4. lovely piece canvas...It is a good idea to create your challenge on will have a nice color collection after summer...see your next pink canvas...bye xx

  5. I'm excited to see your entire collection!

  6. A lovely canvas for our green challenge! I would like to think I do grow a little every day. Thank you for sharing!
    Jessi xox

  7. This is really cute. Love the tree!


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