Monday, June 6, 2011

The Summer of Color at Twinkle, Twinkle

OK, I know, I know, it's been for.ever! since I posted here. I'm OK, really I am. I'm great, in fact! Just been suuuuuper busy. Lots of stuff has been going on and I'll give you updates soon. But, right now, I'm popping my head back in here to share something fabulous with you. Do you remember my dear friend, Kristin? Kristin who is soooo incredibly talented she's been published multiple times in the amazing Stampington and Co. publications? Well, I think she's pretty amazing and she's inspired me to join in on her awesome blog party that lasts all summer long! That's my kind of party ;)

(image courtesy of Kristin at Twinkle, Twinkle)

Her party is called The Summer of Color. The basic idea is you check her blog every Monday to discover the color for that week. You then create art in *any* medium your lil' heart desires (she offers several suggestions on her blog), and then you post a link to your work on her blog. Posting a link enters you in her weekly giveaway. How cool is that?!? You get to make art *and* possibly win a prize just for playing along.

So, I wanted to be sure to tell everyone about this awesome party so you can all join in the fun, too. Those are the basics but if you want all the details, then head on over to Twinkle, Twinkle and read all about The Summer of Color. See you at the party!


  1. Hi there...I am joining the summer of colour as well and really looking forward to it...i have couple of plans upmysleeve...looking forward to seeing what you come up

  2. Oh yeah! HOW COOL IS THAT!? Thank you so much for your sweet comments and for playing along - I am SO happy to have you! If you'd like, please link this post to the widget that's currently on my blog - that way you can be entered into this week's drawing!
    BTW, did you have fun at the event? I finished Cam's album in that new kraft paper - Sherry may have it in her office if you want to check it out, xoxoxo


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