Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Very Exciting News!!!

I have some VERY exciting news! I've been recruited to be part of a design team!!! But, it's not just any design team, it's the design team for Crafts Unleashed which is sponsored by Consumer Crafts. Consumer Crafts sells a wide variety of craft products. This is really a perfect opportunity for me and I'm so happy to be part of this team! The fact that I'm not tied to one medium or one line of crafting is so freeing to me and access to the wide range of craft materials really suits my love love for all things crafty! I'll be completing at least one project a month and guest blogging at Crafts Unleashed. My first post will be published tomorrow! I'm SO excited!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and fabulous New Year. I'm slowly getting back into the groove. We had my mom and step-dad visiting and we hosted Christmas dinner. We also had a flu bug fly through our house and (knock on wood) I was the only one out of 6 who didn't get it! John recovered but is now sick again with a cold.

Also, I've been thinking about my "One Word" for 2011. I'll be sharing that with you soon, along with some of my goals for 2011 and something that I'm going to launch this year that you can participate in with your kids! It's sure to be a fun year!


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