Sunday, January 9, 2011

Project 365 2011 {Week One}

Project 365. Have you heard of it? Probably. Do you know what it is? Maybe not exactly. Well, in 2011, I'm doing it! Project 365 involves taking one photo a day as a way to record an entire year. At the end of the year, the end result is that you truly have "snapshots" of your whole year.

Well, when I got my camera {my new baby as I affectionately call it}, I purchased it with the goal of improving my photography skills and a big dream of maybe even going pro at some point. Well, I certainly LOVE shooting. The more I shoot, the more I want to shoot. So, I carry my camera with me everywhere. I take several shots everyday, so why not be really creative with those shots, really purposeful and capture all of those moments that make up my life?

Project 365 is perfect for this! So, I'll be choosing one picture from each day to post here in a weekly post every Sunday. So, check back here each week to see what I've been up to and waht I found inspiring that week. All of these photos were edited (very minimally) in Photoshop but my version is ancient as far as technological age. I've got version 6. It's about 10 yrs old and I haven't found any actions that are compatible with it. If you know of any that will work with such an old version, please share!!! In the meantime, I'll make do and keep dreaming of a new version ;). I'm also going to play around with piknik more. Anyway, enough rambling...onto the pics...

a fun shoot with my mom and step-dad

feeding the ducks at the park with Grammie and Grandad

my first self-portrait

I joined Twitter!!!

She's a STAR! She holds the family record
(and she gets a ball with gold stars on it! How cool is THAT?!)

snuggles with Daddy before bed

therapeutic play - more posts will be coming on this!

date night a local Mexican restaurant

Are you participating in Project 365? Post a comment with a link to your pics/post! I'm always on the lookout for photography inspiration.


  1. Love your photos!! Have you also tried They have a free version of photoshop online you can use to edit photos...similar to but slightly different from Picnik. Check it out. :)

  2. I just posted my first week's worth of photos. I'm trying to capture random moments -- my snapshots aren't really display worthy, but I know I'll treasure them someday.

  3. Oh, this is wonderful!! I love your self portrait and the one of Taylor and her Daddy - what a fun project - can't wait to see the results!
    AND, btw, I will be showing more of the studio probably in the Where Women Create blog event this summer - and maybe some shots along the way. It is still not done, but you of course are welcome anytime ;) xo

  4. beautiful pictures!

    when i get a handle on my new slr camera i'm going to do my own project 365.

    loving yours!

  5. Thanks for leaving me the comment about Project 365. What a great idea. I am trying to learn more about photography also. I have learned so much, but still have a long way to go. I am loving my new camera and have a class to go to tonight to help me understand all it's features. It is a challenge with the winter light to take the shots I am envisioning, but I look forward to shooting outside again once the weather gets better. I use PSE, but know of many bloggers who use Picasa and Picnik with excellent results. I just downloaded my first set of actions and have to say - I LOVE them. Wow - Instant better photos. I have gotten them from The Pioneer Woman, Coffeehop, and Everyday Elements.

    My best- Diane


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