Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm still alive...

I've just been really, really, really busy! But I haven't forgotten about my blog and my bloggy friends. I'll give a quick rundown of what's been going on with me and then I'll be back before long with lots of tutorials!!!

I've been really busy with work. Hospice and KFA.

Decorating for Fall.

Planning and hosting Thanksgiving Dinner. (Very Thankful for my Father-in-law who cooked the turkey!)

Decorating for Christmas and purging unneeded decorations.

Making handmade decorations and doing Christmas crafting with Taylor.

And...last weekend our dishwasher broke. It was full of dirty dishes with another sink full of dishes ready to go in. Not the best time of year to be dealing with a broken dishwasher. New dishwasher gets delivered today! Woo Hoo!

I've been taking lots of photos but they haven't made it from my camera to my computer, yet.

I hope you're all enjoying the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and you're able to catch a few minutes of tranquility to recharge.

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