Thursday, October 14, 2010

Waldorf Doll Making Part 5 - All DONE!!!


She's all DONE! And we absolutely LOVE her! Taylor has named her Sally after her very favorite doll who went missing about a year ago :(. Sally was a doll bought for her by Grammie and she was well loved by Taylor. You can see a pic of Sally in this post. Taylor still asks about her and says she "worries" about her. We're pretty certain she took her out to a store or something and left her there, so I've told Taylor that I believe another little girl found her and is taking very good care of her.

So, now we have Sally the Second, in our family.

I need to say a big thank you to my wonderful friend Sarah who came over last night to help me with Sally's hair. I found a wonderful tutorial on how to make her hair (there are several different ways to make hair for Waldorf dolls). The tutorial requires a crochet cap that the hair is then hooked into. Well, I can't crochet. I've tried a couple of times, and I just find knitting soooo much easier. Sarah, on the other hand is crocheter extraodinaire! So she crocheted the cap for Sally's hair and I did the rest of her hair. (I was determined to finish her last night and I {happily} stayed up until 1:30 this morning working on her hair!

This is a shot of her with her hair down and gives an idea of just how much hair she has. I've said all along that it's really the hair that makes these dolls and I fell in-love with her once her hair began to take shape. At the same time any doubts that this dream doll would become a reality, disappeared as I hooked strand after stand of hair into her cap.

And Taylor wanted her hair in a ponytail at one point, so I took a shot of that, too. Since I followed the tutorial linked above, I gave her a full head of hair which lends itself to a variety of hairstyles with no bald spots.

Now, clearly, my hand-sewing skills need some improvement. I realize her eyes aren't "perfect" and the stitching around her neck is also not "perfect", but the smiles and squeals from Taylor when she awoke this morning to find her finished makes me think it's perfect enough. Then, when hubby brought her home this evening and Sally had a dress and rosy cheeks and beautiful pigtails, Taylor declared "Oh, Mom! You made her SO cute! I love her!" my heart melted. Ooey, gooey, melted. Really, could I ask for anything more?

{updated to include a link to the tutorial for the hair and a link to a past post about our first Sally}


  1. Now I really want to hurry up and finish her sweater. She looks so chilly sitting there.

  2. How adorable!

    And you've inspired me to finish my project and finish crocheting the other leg on Damien's pants!!!

  3. You're right - that lovely head of hair really makes that doll so beautiful. What a great job! Carolina would love one like that.

  4. cute! It turned out amazing! It's official! I will be making one too! Good thing we get paid tomorrow so I can buy all the supplies :)

  5. Ugliest little face I've ever seen, but that hair is amazing! Great work, Mama!

  6. Dee, she's amazing. I don't think there's any little girl who wouldn't love one of those. I think her face is perfect!!!

  7. What a cute doll! I would have loved her, too. WTG Mom!

  8. Thanks for you sweet comment over at my blog How Sweet It Is. And thank YOU for doing what you do. I can't imagine the people and families that you have helped and touched.

  9. Your doll is lovely,I'm into dolls too though i must say i am amazed at the work that went into yours!

  10. Super cute!! I love the face and the dress!

  11. WOWZER!!! This is amazing! I am so impressed with all the steps - she looks just beautiful and I'm sure Miss. Taylor will love her new Sally, xoxoxo

  12. She's very sweet! I love her coloring and especially love the hair! It really is such a thrill to have your child love your creation! I can't think of a better gift. Nice job!!


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