Saturday, August 7, 2010

Playing With My New Camera!

We headed out to the park this morning to play with my new camera. We are very fortunate to live in gorgeous Southern California and we have a local park that has large ponds and lots of ducks. As you can see they're quite friendly.

Here are the specs on the above pic (for my own notes and for anyone else who may care):

Lens: Canon EF75-300m-5.6 IIIm f/4

Focal length: 120mm

Shooting mode: Aperture Priority AE

Aperture Value (AV): 4.5

AF Mode: One Shot

The shot above is our favorite of the day and it's these kind of shots that were a big reason why I bought an SLR. I absolute love how blurred the background is and how sharp Taylor is. I also love that she was looking at me for a split second and yet I got a great shot! I could NOT have created this photo with my point and shoot. Here are the specs on this photo:

Lens: Canon EF75-300m-5.6 IIIm f/4

Focal Length: 155

Shooting Mode: Program AE

Aperture Value: 6.3

Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS

Focal length: 25mm

Shooting mode: Aperture Priority AE

Aperture Value (AV): 7.1

AF Mode: One Shot


  1. Great shots! And thanks for sharing the details. I'm still learning on mine and that helps a lot!

  2. beautifu hots...i am yet to earn how to ue mine...ue it in auto all the

  3. Not even gonna talk about how incredibly jealous I am!!!!

  4. Beautiful pictures! I love the one of Taylor and Kendra was so impressed that she was on my computer - LOL! Congrats on your new purchase - I use one too but have no idea what I'm doing with it - just take so many pictures that I am bound to get a good one once in a while! So impressed that you know so much about it so soon - I'll come to you with questions! xoxo


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