Monday, August 2, 2010

MMM Past Loves

This is my piece for this week's Mixed Media Monday. This week's prompt was "past loves" meaning a technique or medium that we used to love working with but haven't used inawhile. My past love is scrapbooking. As you know from my recent posts, I spent last weekend scrapbooking with Donna Downey. Before then, it had been ages, I mean ages, since I've scrapbooked. I had forgotten how much I love playing with photos and scrapbooking.

This is another page that is part of my first canvas album that I'm working on. The stamped image was created using acrylic paint and Donna's Baby's Breath Foam Stamp. I added Stickles to the petals once the paint was dry. The background was created with various layers of pink and white acrylic paint and I used gel medium to created the embedded sheet music.

Thanks for stopping by to look and I can't wait to see what the other MMM artists have created this week.


  1. How wonderful, love the colours and the details.

  2. You already got your foam stamps??!! When did you place your order?? (Read: how soon can I expect MINE?!) LOL Oh - and of course, your page is gorgeous! But yeah - back to the stamps! LoL!!!

  3. Very expressive and beautiful scrapbookig work! Lovely color and images!

  4. Sweet creation, the colours are lovely. Have heard that Donna Downey is a must do adventure, what did you enjoy most?

  5. Real pretty colours and images! it looks like so much fun!

  6. Beautiful page! Great choice too...I need to scrapbook again.

  7. Beautiful page and a beautiful memory for you to preserve too

  8. How beautiful - I have never even tried scrapbooking ;-) Diane

  9. this is awesome!!
    and i promise FUN WITH FABRIC will be full of info and a lot of fun!

  10. This is just beautiful! I love the soft colors and the stamps you choose - I wish that we could see texture better on our blogs as I know that the sparkle on this must be amazing too, xo

  11. Beautiful page and a beautiful memory for you to preserve too

  12. Sweet creation, the colours are lovely. Have heard that Donna Downey is a must do adventure, what did you enjoy most?


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