Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of Pre-K

This was a BIG day for Taylor! She's been waiting for this day ALL summer. She spent the summer at the same school she's been at for 2 yrs. But, for those 2 yrs, she's had her best preschool buddy, Z with her. Taylor and Z have a very special friendship. There are few girls who will put strong-willed Taylor in her place but Z is one of them. And, I think this makes Taylor have an immense amount of respect for Z. This respect translates into a bit of an obsession. She talks about Z all. the. time. Well, Z didn't attend the summer session of preschool. Early in the summer, when Taylor asked about her, a teacher told her that Z would be back "in the fall". Well, everyday, EVERY day this summer, Taylor woke up and asked "is it fall yet?" When we told her no, the response was "oohh, I don't waaaaanna go to schoooool!"

Taylor had a week off last week as the teachers prepared for the fall session. So, today, Taylor's first official day of pre-k, also meant "the first day of fall" which more importantly meant Z would be back at school.

So, this morning, Taylor got out of bed happier than she ever has and she got ready for school faster than she ever has. There are days when I drop Taylor off and she clings to me and cries or asks for a bazillion hugs and kisses, or begs me to play on the playground with her. But, today, we had barely walked in the door, when she looked at the first teacher she saw and said "Is Z here?" When the teacher said she was on the playground, Taylor was off and running without a second look back at me. I tried to catch up but she left me in a cloud of dust! I wish I had seen the initial excitement of their reunion. Instead, I caught a glimpse of their second adorable hug. I wish I had taken my camera to get a shot of the two of them.

When we picked up Taylor at the end of the day, we heard all about her day with Z and her trials with her other friends as they're all adjusting to sharing each other's attention. Ahhh, the preschool drama of who hit who, and who would be who's friend and who wouldn't play with who. This is only pre-k, I can only imagine what high school will be like!


  1. My daughter has a great friend too (she is 4 and the other one will be 4 in January but they attend the same school class since last october) and for the past 2 weeks the school has been close for hollidays but, last week, we managed that the 2 girls meet and it was so much fun!
    They start screaming each other names in the midle of the street and hug one another...I had to contain myself for not to cry because, such happiness brought tears to my eyes (and the funny thing is they have strong personalities, both, so they clash a lot but still they are best friends!!)

  2. I was the one who got to deliver the good news to her that her special friend was on the playground!! They have been getting along beautifully. I don't know if I have ever told you but Allison is now a sophmore in high school and her two very, very best friends were made right there at the same school! They were all 3 years old and they she is still so close to both of them. I love that. I can see Taylor and Z being the same way. :) Welcome back to school!

  3. She looks SO grown up in that picture!!!!! (And such a cute outfit too!) How fun!!


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