Thursday, July 15, 2010

{Thrifty Thursday} Music to my eyes!

I love the look of sheet music. I was very into music during my childhood. I sang in choirs and musical groups, I played the trumpet in high school (oh, and just to clarify, at my high school, all the "cool kids" were in the band, it wasn't a nerdy kind of thing, by any means). Our high school won multiple musical competitions for years at national musical festivals. So, music and sheet music holds special memories for me. I love the look of it in art, too, so I was thrilled when I found a few books of sheet music while thriftin' last week.

In the same trip I picked up another embroidery hoop, some vintage-y looking trim and some really pretty beads...

All this loveliness for a grand total of $2.18.

Not bad.


  1. LOVE the sheet music! Thrift stores and old paper - a girl after my own heart, Kristin xo

  2. What lovely finds! I can't read music at all, but just love the look sheet music. Already imagining all the fun things you could make with that!

  3. How was your trip? I hope you had so much fun! Kristin xo

  4. Our journey has begun!... secretly though =) 

    If I’ve left you this message, you’re probably a follower of my original blog or just someone I happened on and really wanted to invite along for the ride! Though I won’t be revealing who I am just yet – until we’re TO and THROUGH the first trimester! Just getting the word out about our new site – further explanation of all the secrecy and what we’re about on my first post now up. I’d love for you to stop by. 

    Exciting things going on around here!

    ~ the {secret} *Maybe* Baby Mama

  5. hi,
    got your info off makeitlovely for the art exchange project.
    If you would like to participate still, please contact me.

  6. How funny...I just find your blog today and you have a thrifty thursday! I started doing thrifty thursdays about 2 mos ago. Now I'm gonna have to go scrolling through your blog to check everything out ;)


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