Friday, July 30, 2010

Fabric Scrapbooking Page

This is my first completed fabric scrapbook page! I started the page during my weekend with Donna Downey and I finished them last night. I absolutely LOVE working with canvas as the foundation for the page. The various layers were added by using techniques I learned from Donna. I'll walk you through how I put these pages together.

First, I absolutely love this photo. This is one of those photos that was taken, uploaded (or downloaded?) onto my computer and then forgotten about. When I was searching through photos I came across it and I simply adore it. It was taken on a hike when Taylor was about 2 1/2. So, now for the details of the's a raw canvas page, no gesso, and I began by gluing down the photo with fabric glue (Aleen's Tacky Glue works well), smooth out the bubbles. I chose to tear the corner of my photo before gluing it down, but that's just because I don't like the harsh edges of photos. Next, I used the tree stamp and then embossed the image. I wanted my trunk longer, so I painted the trunk with a dark brown acrylic paint. Then I spritzed the background with walnut ink. I painted the canvas butterflies with acrylic paint (watered down), and used a scrap of patterned paper on the corner of the photo. Then I added the ribbon tab to the outer edge of the page along with the strip of frayed burlap. Finally I typed the journaling and cut it into strips, then adhered it to the page. Oh, and then I added the little flower because every page needs a flower. :)

My journaling reads:

Life is a journey;

a path with twists and turns,

we never know what's around each curve,

but, little one, rest assured,

whatever this journey brings, I'll be there to hold your hand.

For this page I started by painting a "color within a color". That was the instruction that Donna gave during the workshop. So I painted brown edges with a muted green inner circle.Then, I added the patterned paper as a mat for the torn photo and attached the wire heart to the page with the the ribbon scrap. I added the canvas tab that says "Family" and stamped the word "Cherish" on a scrap of vanilla colored paper. Then I inked it with pink and purple chalk ink to coordinate with the other page in this 2 page spread. To make it more distressed and blend in with the other page, I also spritzed some walnut ink on this page and stamped the butterfly image, and added the burlap. Finally, I took some cream colored Prima flowers, spritzed them with the walnut ink and then added some copper colored glitter glue to give 'em a little shimmer.

I love how they turned out! I can't wait to work on the rest of my pages!

{Updated to let you know that you can buy several of the supplies for these pages (canvas album, rustic wire, and canvas tabs and canvas butterflies) from Donna's shop!}


  1. They are beautiful! The canvas book looks like so much fun, xo

  2. Oh my goodness! THIS IS GORGEOUS! I love the colors and the texture!

    Welcome to The Artistic Mother group!


  3. I don't use computer much for commenting because I have to hunt and peck due to recent right wrist and hand paralysis...but something in your work touches me. Please keep that raw emotion your work. You can reach me by email: I hope you do.


I love comments from my readers! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!