Friday, July 9, 2010


Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I've had a sick girl this week (yes, she really does get sick every month! We're working with our docs to determine if it's more than just out of control reflux and asthma). Anyway, obviously she's needed my attention and I've had to tend to my other responsibilities that are part of my daily life (I need to figure out a way to pay the bills by crafting!). So, I haven't had time leftover for blogging. I was able to pop into a thrift store earlier this week and gathered some awesome goodies for a grand total of $2.18. I'll share those with you next week.

I've got some projects on my mind and some things I hope to finish up next week and show all of you, but in the meantime, my girl is feeling much better and hubby and I are going away for the weekend ALONE! Taylor's staying with a very dear friend who's got a houseful of girls of her own so they're sure to have blast while hubby and I soak up some sun and enjoy the cool ocean breeze.

I'll catch up with you all next week and please check in next Friday to see who's been featured as the Featured Follower.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH! How cool to see you up there in the Artistic Mother blog roll - it was a nice surprise! Looking forward to seeing your projects!
    Have a great time this weekend (sounds like so much fun!) - K has been sick all week too - strep throat! Have a fab time and see you next week (I have mags. for you, but I guess we have both not been to school).
    Kristin xo


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