Saturday, July 3, 2010


{Photo courtesy of Remember When Scrapbooking}

Excuse me for just a second...


Deep Breath.... Sigh.

OK. I think I've composed myself. I have that I'm-SO-frickin'-excited-I-think-I'm-going-to-jump-out-of-my-skin feeling! OMG. O. M. G.!!!! In 3 wks I'm going to spend the weekend playing with paint, and paper and fabric and flowers and ink and stamps and all kinds of artsy goodies with DONNA DOWNEY!!! I'm going to Remember When Scrapbooking in Valencia, CA and I'll be attending 4 workshops taught by the one and only Donna Downey. If you've been a long-time follower of my blog, you know how much I LOVE Donna Downey. I first shared my love for her when I came out about by my craft addiction. Then, I told you how much I love her studio. I've also shared with you some projects that were inspired by her and I shared more about my love of her, her studio and her fabric scrapbooking here. Donna and I share a love for turquoise and my recent mixed media canvas was also inspired by her. I love browsing Donna's blog and her shop for inspiration.

This is a DREAM come TRUE! I still can't believe I'm going to be in her presence and creating with her and learning so many creative techniques that she uses so I can expand my skills and let my creativity soar! I've been telling everyone I know but I simply cannot put my excitement into words. I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all that weekend!

And I need to tell you that I have the BEST MOM in the WHOLE WORLD! While there are many reasons why she's the best mom, the number one reason today is that she is helping with the cost of the weekend. Of course, I offered to foresake all Christmas gifts for the next 10 yrs if she would help pay for this amazing opportunity. I also have the BEST HUSBAND in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, because he is letting me go away for this amazing weekend ALONE. I'm leaving Taylor with him for the weekend as I enjoy the creativity and the moments of solitude! I hope they're both still alive when I return!

Did I mention I'm excited?


  1. Hello. I would like to introduce myself. I am Trudy, the Host of The Artistic Mother's Art Group. We are going through the projects in The Artistic Mother by Shona Cole together and blogging about our progress. Kristin is a member of our group. Your two favorite pieces that she has done are both projects from this book. I would like to extend a personal invitation for you to join us when you receive your book. In the meantime, you could ask Kristen to tell you more about our group and you can also go check out the link underneath my signature below and leave me a comment there if you are interested. You can also go to the labels in the sidebar of my blog and read the posts under the label of Artistic Mother. I also have a blog roll just for the participants of this group in my sidebar near the top. You can visit them if you like. Hope to hear from you.


  2. Hi Trudy! Thanks so much for the invite to join your group! I'm definitely interested and I'll be following up with you!

  3. ok you just made my day! that was the sweetest most flattering post ever!
    i cannot wait to meet you.

  4. WOW! What a cool post and cool opportunity! (How great that she commented too - so sweet). I would love to go too - let me know how it is. I have always wanted to go to one of her weekends where Pam Garrison teaches - she is one of my absolute favorites!
    I know exactly how you feel as I am leaving for AZ next month for a week at an art retreat! It was a birthday gift and like you, part of the excitement is being ALONE! LOL - we need that sometimes don't we? Can't wait to hear more,
    Kristin xo


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