Sunday, June 20, 2010

Art Supplies for Preschoolers...

pssst.....this post is a little bit of a hint as to what I'm creating with that polka dot fabric I posted about! We're working on it and hopefully it will be ready to post in the next few days! Stay tuned!

Looking for an awesomely inspiring blog to get you creating with your kids?

Check out Pink and Green Mama! I've come across her blog before and I was reminded today of how much I love her blog and her creative ideas.

She has a post on her favorite art supplies for preschoolers (and she also has one for toddlers and one for school aged kids, too!)

I've been doing a lot of crafting on my own lately while Taylor does her drawing. I need some fresh ideas to get us crafting together again, and this blog is exactly what I needed today!

What are some of you favorite blogs to get your creative juices flowing with your kids?

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