Sunday, March 14, 2010

Photo Decor - Inspired by Donna Downey

I was inspired by a project in Photo Decor by Donna Downey, to create this! In her book she alters a printer's drawer and I love the way it looks. Several months ago I came across this shelf at a thrift store for $4.00. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be perfect for a project similar to Donna's. It's been a work in progress and has been sitting on my craft table for a few weeks as I've added things here and there. Yesterday, I decided it was wall worthy. I may still add a few embellishments or memorabilia, but for now I'll call it finished :). Here are some close up pics of all the handmade details:

And here it is hanging on the wall :)

It hangs in a niche in our entry which is open to our great room and our hallway to the bedrooms so it's a very prominent place and needed a special piece of art. I love how it turned out!

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