Monday, January 11, 2010

Right Now...

I'm enjoying the quiet in our new home!!!
Sitting at our kitchen table, surrounded by boxes...
Thinking of all that lies ahead this week...
Finishing packing up and moving all the odds and ends from the old house
Cleaning the old house
A trip to Goodwill to donate a huge pile of stuff (Did you know you can donate all old electronics to the goodwill, working or not and they'll recycle them? Yep, lots of places charge a fee for recycling electronics, but the Goodwill takes them at no charge!)
Unpacking here and setting up my new crafting space (top priority!)
Sewing curtains...
Setting up our bedroom with our new Sleep Number bed! (new to us, hand me down from a friend! THANK YOU!!!)
Grocery Shopping -- we need food and I get to check out our new grocery store. I've shopped there once before and they've got great deals!
Doing Laundry and organizing the closet...
Oh, and I have to work everyday this week...I'm thinking this is really my list of what lies ahead this way I'll get all this done this week!

But, right now...I'm sitting enjoying this moment of calm and quiet while everyone else is still asleep...

I hope you all have a good week! My posts will still be a little scattered as we get settled in because I'm still a little scattered! ;)


  1. Congrats on your new digs! Have fun unpacking and enjoy your new place. Maybe you'll have pictures to show, no pressure or anything. :)

  2. Hi there! Just checking in and wanted to say congrats on your new home - how exciting - and what a lot of work! Wanted to let you know about the One World One Heart blogging event (over 700 participants so far) where you have the chance to win stuff until 2/15. Check out my button to see more and enter my giveaway if you want. Have a good one, Kristin xo

  3. Hello. I’m Stephanie and I am a member of Select Comfort’s customer service team. Congratulations on your new bed! I just wanted to make sure that you are aware that, unfortunately, the warranty does not transfer. We hope you will enjoy your bed and we would like to invite you to become our fan on Facebook: to stay up-to date on new products and accessory sales.


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