Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just can't get in the groove

I've got several gifts to make for Christmas and for some reason, I just can't get in the groove. I don't know where my craftiness has gone? I have a head full of ideas but lack the motivation to follow through on the creation...perhaps once I perk up this morning I'll be able to finish a project I've started. It's not difficult and I've made one before, but for some reason it's just taking me forever to complete it. I've also got a gift on my list that I'm excited to see the finished product, and give it to the recipient, but I'm a little intimidated by the process of making it. Again, not something that's terribly difficult, but the project uses some techniques I've never tried so I'm not feeling super confident about the endeavor...I think I just need to jump in and get 'er done!

And then there's the realization that Thanksgiving is only 10 days away!!!! Did you hear my panicked screams when I realized that this morning???

And then, come January 1st, we will likely be living in another house. Where? You ask. I don't know. Somewhere within the same area that we are now, but we need to move for financial reasons and not really sure how it will all work out. I don't do well with uncertainty. I'm not overly stressed about it, but house hunting and moving is one more thing that's weighing on me in addition to the responsibilities of the holiday season....

One day at a time, right? How do you manage uncertainty, challenging tasks and major changes? What do you do to get back in the groove, when you've lost your creative zest? I'd love to hear your ideas...


  1. lists....lot of lists! otherwise i feel out of control and full of anxiety!

  2. I totally have those times! In fact I just moved, while going to school at night, while raising 3 great kids, while having a more than full time job (besides keeping up with a blog-and we all know how time consuming that can be). During those times I don't feel crafty just because I am so overwhelmed. I think I'm pretty much always inspired, just lack the motivation like you are talking about. During those times I just have to take a break. Last Sat the kids and I rented 2 movies from redbox, I cleared my schedule, and we just snuggled on the couch and watched movies. Quality time for myself, or with my kids usually recharges my batteries!

    Rebecca of the R&W Gals

    PS Good luck with the move!

  3. Music. I may have to shuffle around a little bit until I find the right song. Usually if it is a creative strike, I'm not feeling like myself. My favorite video to remind me to be my self is this one. I like to listen to the words while watching the paintings appear.

    If all else fails, I call my Paternal Grandma. She can fix even the worst days;)

    You have a lot on your plate, it sounds like. I hope you find that thing that helps you feel better and more clear.



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