Sunday, November 29, 2009

Can I just tell you...

  • Our Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful! I hope yours was, too.
  • My mom flew in on Friday to visit for the week and I'm loving having her around! So is a certain 3 yr old.
  • My house is scattered with bins filled with Christmas decorations waiting to be displayed.
  • Our tree is up, patiently awaiting it's decorations. A certain 3 yr old (the same one who's loving having Grammie here) isn't so patiently waiting. Apparently she remembers putting the candy canes on the tree last year and has adopted that as her official holiday assignment. She's eager to fulfill her duty.
  • Blogger is totally frustrating me! My layout is totally messed up! When I try to change it around or add buttons to my blog, or blogs to my blog list in my sidebar, Blogger either deletes some things I've already got in my sidebar or rearranges my layout! I want my blog list on the bottom of my right sidebar, I want my photo and profile on the top left of my blog and I want all my "I was featured" buttons on the left sidebar. At this point I've been featured on One Pretty Thing, The Crafty Crow and Craft Gossip -- Thanks for featuring my projects :)!!! So, when you visit here, just envision the beautiful layout I've described. At some point I'll take the time to try sort it out.
  • Mom and I hit Kohl's yesterday for their Thanksgiving weekend sales. Mom got me some adorable Christmas decorations, and some micro-fleece pajamas that I am absolutely in-love with! (Tip- if you wish your spouse was more cuddly in bed, get these pajamas!)
  • My pantry is stocked full of holiday baking essentials and the aroma of sugar cookies will soon fill our house! Yummy...
  • Have I mentioned I love the holidays??? ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love the holidays too.....but I get so stressed! I take on too much. I've decided not to cook anything this year ;) LOL


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