Friday, October 23, 2009

Gearing up for our Garage Sale!

Not much craftin' goin' on 'round here. We're having a garage sale tomorrow. We have 18 trash bags full of clothes in our garage - don't worry, I've set aside all our old T-shirst and denim and khaki pants and any other items that can easily be transformed or sewn into an adorable outfit for my girl!), several boxes of housewares, a couple of boxes of books, movies and CDs, a loveseat, some baby gear, a ton of candles (from my former life as a candle addict and dealer) and a bunch of other odds n' ends. Oh, and a very small box of craft supplies. Times are tough and money is very tight, but come on, I'm not selling many of my beloved craft supplies. I'm not crazy! In all seriousness, we have been hit hard by the recession and economic challenges of the last year so we really need tomorrow's sale to be lucrative. Please send us prayers, well wishes, good thoughts, keep your fingers crossed and wish us luck that our garage sale is a success.

Once I've recovered from it, I'll be posting about ways to organize and pare down your stuff! It's amazing how great we feel knowing that we'll be getting rid of so much stuff that's been piling up in our garage! We've been married for 10 yrs and we've never had a garage sale, so we have a LOT of stuff!

Are you a yard sale go-er?(I don't know what the term is for people who frequent yard sales?) Have you ever had a garage sale?


  1. I didn't do a garage sale, but I packed up a whole bunch of outgrown kids' items and took it to a huge consignment sale that was going on in our area. It hurt to give them 50% of the selling price for commission, but I doubt I would've made even close to that amount if I had set up at home. It helped that this consignment sale is one that I haven't liked to shop at myself because it seems so overpriced.

  2. I can't believe you've been married for ten years. Where does the time go? I hope your garage sale went well!


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