Friday, August 14, 2009

Leave a little comment...Don't be shy!

So, I've noticed that while I have 11 "official" followers on my blog (can you see me jumping up and down with joy!), and several other people that I know visit here regularly, I'm not getting many comments. Can I just tell you that I absolutely LOVE comments? Seriously, they make my day!!!! I also get super excited when I get new followers!!! I often look back at old posts so if you see something you like from ages ago, go ahead and leave a comment on that post. I'll see it, I promise! I'm wondering if perhaps you're just not sure what to say? Well, I'm make it easy for you today.

You can simply leave a comment telling me:

1) how you found my blog?
2) What you like best about my blog
3) What keeps you coming back here?
4) What you wish I would post more of?

And again, if you're reading this several weeks from now, you can still comment! The answers to these questions will help me in deciding what to write about!

Thanks for leaving a comment and making my day!!!! :)


  1. Hi, I love your blog. I found it through another craft blog. (can't remember which one) I love checking back here often because you post a lot. I love to find new crafts to do, or see what others are doing. Please keep it up!!

  2. Thank YOU, Kerry!!! Woo Hoo...
    I'm glad you enjoy reading!! I try to post often...sometimes it's hard to do frequent posts in the midst of the daily events of life, but I try. Thanks SO much for your comment!

    OK, readers...keep 'em comin'!... :)

  3. I love reading your blog b/c I look at all the cool stuff you do and think "I could do that." Keep posting ideas -- someday I'll actually do something instead of just reading about cool ideas. ;)

  4. Cristi :) I appreciate all your feedback and your frequent comments. I love that you think "I could do that!" I want to inspire creativity in other people and you CAN do everything I do. I know you'll be trying out these ideas very soon :)

  5. Hi, I found your blog through Lil Blue Boo. I subscribe to her blog by email. I love to see sewing for children mostly, also food and recipes. Your blog looks very interesting and i will be checking back often for sure. I am going to bookmark you. If you have somewhere to subscribe by email, I will subscribe to yours too!

  6. I come here because my best friend calls me and says, "Have you looked at my blog lately? I posted new stuff!!!" LOL J/K You know I love your blog and I love your ideas and I think you are one of the most ingenious, creative, crafty mamas I know!!! I love you!!

  7. By the way, did you know you can change your settings so that you receive an email every time someone leaves you a comment on your blog, so that you don't actually have to go back and look at old posts to look for comments?? :)

  8. Jen -- No! I didn't know I could get a comment notification via e-mail!!! And, I have to call you to tell you about my posts because you only check in about once a week and I have followers now! FOLLOWERS! So I have an obligation to these people to post great daily! I call you because I don't want you to miss out ;)

    Sandy, isn't Lil Blue Boo such an amaaazing blog! I'm glad you found me! I'll add a subscribe via e-mail feature to my blog for you ;)


I love comments from my readers! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!