Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A couple of random rants...

Not sure they're really rants. Just things that have been really annoying me lately. For starters, the desert heat!!! Seriously. The summers were NOT this bad when I moved out here 10 yrs ago. I heard on the radio today that the high would be 113 degrees! It was 120 last week. The weatherman then says "There's a cooling effect coming in and tomorrow the temperature will be dropping 10 degrees." Wow. So it will be 103. Man I better go get my sweater...

This brings me to my next rant. Not only is it HOT, but It. Is. Humid. Really Humid. Humidity and I don't get along too well. I am a migraine sufferer and humidity is NOT the friend of a person with migraines. I have had a couple of what I call "real migraines" during the last few weeks and I have had daily headaches for the last 2 weeks. Every. Day. It's getting really old. I wish it would rain, already. Only a desert rat wishes for rain.

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