Monday, August 10, 2009

Altered Coaster Mini Album

Remember I said I was scrapbooking on Saturday? Well, here's what I made. I bought a pack of 20 cardboard coasters from Michael's for $1. Using patterned paper, fabric and paper flowers, brads, rhinestones, ribbons and acrylic paint, I altered the coasters and created this mini-album.
Here's the inside of the album:

This was one of our first family photos. Taylor was only about 3 days old in that picture. I know, amazing that she's got that adorable grin on her tiny little face!

I love that pic of her with the sunglasses on her head. That was taken Christmas day and she looks like such a little diva. The joy on her face in the other pic is because she's at her friend's birthday party and they were singing Happy Birthday. And of course, after you sing Happy Birthday, you get cupcakes!!!

A pic from a trip to the beach this summer.

My new favorite family photo. Taken on a hike in Orange County the same weekend we went to the beach.
Pics taken on that same hike. I absolutely love these pics. They totally capture her personality right now!

I love that I can add to this album. I still have lots of coasters and the random colors don't box me in. The rings are plenty big and can accomodate a lot more pages.

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