Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Painted Wine Bottles

I made these as a host/housewarming gift for the friends we stayed with for 4th of July weekend. I was inspired by the book Eco Craft. There are few books that I come across these days, that move me to purchase them. As I flip through the pages of many craft books, I usually think that I've seen similar projects before, or could easily find a free tutorial on-line. When I flipped through the pages of Eco Craft, I was instantly inspired. I must admit, I'm becoming greener with age and I find myself examining every piece of trash (cardboard, plastic container, tin can) and I think "what can I make with this?" before I throw it away. This book answers that question!

Some day soon I'll show you my "trash to treasure" box and I'll show you all the odds and ends I keep and what projects I'll use them for. Hey, I'm doing my part to keep the earth clean!

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