Friday, June 12, 2009

Enjoying the silence...

I should be in bed. It's barely 5:00 a.m. I should be sleeping soundly, wrapped in my cozy duvet, oblivious to the pending dawn. But, instead, I awoke and found myself thinking of all kinds of things I wanted to do. Catch up on blogging, tidy my craft space, gather some supplies for soem porjects, order photos on-line, make a few lists...

Weeknights are filled with chatter and getting dinner on the table, bedtime routines and unwinding from the day. Blocks of time, at home, with no one to bother me are rare. So, I decided, I'd get up and make coffee, take advantage of hubby and the monkey still sleeping and start my day. Crazy. I'm not exactly a morning person and I can't remember the last time I was up this early by choice. But, it's kind of nice. Granted, my eyes are still a little droopy and I'm surprised I can string my thoughts together and coordinate my brain with my fingers to actually type this post, but soon I will have a hot cup of coffee in my hands, and I'll be sipping it and simply enjoying the silence and stealing some me time.

What do you do for "me time"? What are the peaceful moments you enjoy?

1 comment:

  1. Um, I typically nap during my me time. I hate to admit it, and know I should be more motivated...but it feels so good!

    Other times, when I have two sleeping babies, I just sit and enjoy the calmness.


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