Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Fever

(Note, The title of this post could also be: What I did on Sunday While Taylor was Napping and I Should Have Been Folding Laundry!)

Have you noticed the current birdhouse trend? They're everywhere. At first I didn't really care for them. I have this thing about birds. On more than one occasion, I've had birds fly straight into my head. Seriously. I think they're out to get me. Fortunately I've never been pooped on by a bird (knocking on wood, now!). Anyway, the more birdhouses I saw, the more they grew on me. I decided to snatch up a few. The big one is from JoAnn's ($5) and the two little ones are from the dollar store. I picked up a few sheets of spring paper and used a little paint, mod podge and ribbon that I had on hand to decorate. Some moss from the dollar store and some twigs from my yard finished them off!

I made this felt bird with just a little hand stitching and stuffing. I painted on the eye.

When I started making this one, I didn't care for it at all. The roof was too dark. But I just painted over it with a light layer of cream paint and wiped it off with a baby wipe. Now I think it turned out cute!

I didn't use any paper on this one. Decided I just wanted it a solid color, so I used some of the blue paint and then did a really light layer of cream paint over it. Turned out like a cloudy effect.

If you're inspired to decorate a birdhouse of your own, leave me a link! Happy Spring!


  1. wow, Taylor must take long naps... or you're really efficient! Those are super cute.

  2. She had quiet time in her room for about an hour before she finally fell asleep and then took a 2 hour nap. So, yeah, I had about 3 hours to myself!

  3. super cute. i love the moss as an accent.


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