Monday, March 30, 2009

I've been Published!

At least that's what my friend, Jen called it when I called her today to tell her my exciting news. The photo wreath I created over the weekend was featured on One Pretty Thing, today! I am a huge fan of that blog and I get so much inspiration from the crafters featured there! I've been told people aren't able to leave comments on my blog right now, and I'm pretty sure it's just a blogger error (I'm a little frustrated with blogger, right now!) so, hopefully people will be able to comment soon. Please rest assured, I know you're out there. I know you're reading! I'm going to check my comments settings again (already have like 3 times and as far as I can tell I've got them set right). Anyway, I just wanted to blog about my excitement and hopefully many more of my projects will be featured!


  1. Congrations! You go girl! (I felt like someone needed to congratulate me!)

  2. LOL - yay! Did you know you spelled congratulations as "congrations?" Hee hee... go girl!


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