Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Birthday Party Planning

My daughter's turning 3 in May. The first birthday is all about the adults celebrating baby's milestones. The second birthday, not as exciting. My daughter didn't fully understand the excitement of a birthday at the age of 2. But now, after lots of birthday parties at preschool, playing birthday parties is one of her favorite past-times. So, I figured her 3rd birthday party should be just as fun and as special as she is! After all, a birthday party is all about celebrating the fact that she was born and that's definitely something that deserves an extra special celebration. So...with her birthday about 8 weeks away, I decided to develop a plan that allows us to throw her an extra special party on a budget with handmade details. Here's the overall outline:

1) Decide on the Guest List
2) Decide on the theme
3) Invitations
4) Food
5) Cake
6) Decorations
7) Games
8) Party Favors

So, I'm going to post about each of these steps and you can join me in our birthday party planning. Stay tuned! It's going to be such a fun party!

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